Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Taste of Salt Anticipation Guide

1)Politics and political problems are a subject for adults to deal with.

I agree. Under aged, by the law, are too young to participate in any political activities. Therefore, their voice doesn’t have any effect in politics. Adults may consider opinions of under aged, but not use them to solve political problems.

2)All situations can have a happy ending if those involved work hard towards it.

I agree. For example working hard and putting a lot of effort into resolving of difficult problems or situations, good results are guaranteed. The same applies to career and education development.

3)Literacy (being able to read) is a form of freedom.

I agree- because when we read we are free to think and imagine anything. It’s a form of freedom because you can get away from all your concerns. You can freely dream.

4)Civilizations without a written language cannot effectively document history.

I agree. Based on the history of our civilization, the only time it had become possible to correctly document historical events when the written language was created.

5)Love at first site is not possible. Like all endeavors, love takes time and perseverance.

I disagree- because I strongly believe that love at first sight is not some kind of a fairytale. It could happen to anyone, anytime when you least expect it. Love is something you cannot control. You can definitely love someone just by their looks, actions, and behavior.