I think that the Socials are better than Greasers in many ways such as behavior, education, and their whole way of life is much better. So join our group and you won’t regret it.
First of all we Socials are civilized. For example we don’t mug old ladies while greasers do either out of boredom or because they can’t afford to buy certain things.
We also come from wealthy families. We ride expensive cars, wear expensive clothes and have a lot of money.
Greasers are dirty they have loads of grease in their hair which is disgusting. They also come from bad families or families that don’t care for them and they steal because they are too lazy to get a job.
We Socials are educated while Greasers are a bunch of dropouts that have to work in gas stations because they are not bothered to study or don’t have money to pay for their education.
We think of our future and only with us you will have a normal life in which you have a chance to succeed, while Greasers don’t care what happens to them, they get into fights because they think it will make them look tough and more respectable in the gangs.
Your life as a Social would be easier and more privileged. You could have a future that you’ve always dreamed of.
So now you decide who you want to be………….
We hope you will make the right decision……….